Join Us. You can be Leaner & Healthier with Lots of Energy at Any Age!

When the Wind blows hard

      Some fight the Wind

      Full face to it's fury

      Stopping their progress.

The Wind has won.

      Some give up

      And just go with the Wind

      Even if it chills their souls.

The Wind has succeeded.

      You turn with the wind

      But direct it to move you

      to your true destination.

You have conquered the Wind.

Kevin -


Getting in Shape

              is not about

                           Getting Exhausted    



    It’s tough to get in shape when you blew out more than 40 birthday candles on your last cake.  You would like to get started, but it seems you never have the time. You just have too much other stuff going on in your life. 

-Trimming your waistline is forgotten when your child is sick or your 20 year old still can’t find a job. 

-Watching what you eat doesn’t last long when your job is hit by recession and the boss talks about layoffs. 

-Getting on the treadmill for an hour never seems to happen when you’ve put your own needs on the back burner for far too long.

Hi, this is Kevin for

     You may have tried to get in shape, or at least thought about it.  But that thought usually brings to mind sweaty, exhausted bodies putting long hours on a treadmill or grunting bodybuilders threatening to pop out of their straining Spandex.  Doesn’t look like fun.

    I’m here to reassure you that’s absolutely not what getting in the shape you want is about.  Getting in the shape you want has three GREAT BENEFITS:

That's not just beautiful sunlight coming in thru the trees, it's your bright future as a healthy, fitter person!
That's not just beautiful sunlight coming in thru the trees, it's your bright future as a healthy, fitter person!


Years ago I worked in a large Chicago hospital as a laboratory technician. I met many wonderful people in an unlikely way, while collecting their blood samples. It’s tough to get a smile out of someone when you’re jabbing a needle in their arm. But it never hurt to try.

Hi, this is Kevin for
As a lab tech, I drew blood from many different people. Newborn babes, so tiny I had to prick the heals of their feet, rather than try a too-tiny vein. School kids who cried before being stuck, but felt brave after. Soon-to-be newly weds for marriage applications. Emergency room accident victims too hurt to moan. Cardiac care patients hooked up to monitors beeping steadily with good news. All pumped blood into my glass test tubes, seemingly with no effort.

On one occasion, however, while drawing blood from a longtime Intensive Care patient I often joked with, the glass tube stopped filling. The blood stopped pumping. The monitors blared a dismal sound. Nurses rushed over, doctors rushed in. Just like that, this life on earth was over. A special soul moved on to her final reward.

Later that same day...



Hi, this is Kevin for

After lots of years training lots of people, I’ve come to realize many people don’t "Get in shape" because they only look at the end result. The ultimate goal. The Payoff.
The Payoff is looking leaner.
The Payoff is feeling healthier.
The Payoff is easily pulling on those jeans from your school days. You know the ones. Either bellbottoms or Gloria Vanderbilt’s, depending on what fashion era you’re from. And you want the Payoff fast, now! So you try one diet after another. Pop over-the-counter pills that promise to speed your metabolism. The problem I have with all that is you blame yourself when the diets and pills don’t work as advertised.

   Payoff’s don’t happen without a Process

Anything you do in life has a Process...

Lose Excess Body Fat!!
Give Your Skin a Beautiful Glow! 

Hi, this is Kevin for


     At last, an over the counter product you can take every day to lose Excess Body Fat. A product that can decrease your risk of contracting many life threatening diseases! Easy to digest. In fact it aids digestion.


     And, unlike the vast majority of over-the-counter diet products, this one is actually approved and recommended by the American Heart Association, the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes for Health and just about every local, state, national and international health organization you can name.


     What is this miracle product guaranteed to help you lose Excess Body Fat? It comes under the generic name of ...

Even rabbits know small hops can get you where you are going.  Don't think you need an hour on he treadmill. You don't.  15 minutes of walking today.  15 minutes tomorrow.  15 minutes the next day.  Small hops.
Even rabbits know small hops can get you where you are going. Don't think you need an hour on the treadmill. You don't. 15 minutes of walking today. 15 minutes tomorrow. 15 minutes the next day. Small hops.