#30 "This is Cherise's Story - Lots of Us Feel the Same
About Our Bodies As You Feel About Yours"
#29 "Give Yourself a Real Chance
to Make Real Changes in Your
Wonderful Body"
#28 "As We Stay Safe at Home,
Let's Look to a Longtime Friend"
#27 "Staying Home, Staying Safe,
Let's Remeber to Stay Active"
#26 "7 Tips to Help P-R-E-V-E-N-T Heart Disease
that Can Also Help You Lose Excess Body Fat"
#25 "Searching for an Answer to Our
Changing Bodies."
#24 "Hello 2020 - It's Out with the Old Diet Stuff
that Hasn't Worked, and In with Our New, Healthy
Approach for Long Term Success!"
#23 "Christmas! Tis the Season to Thank You
for All You Do for Us."
#22 "Please Pay Attention to
Your Wonderful Lean Muscles."
#21 "At This Time in Your Life,
Believe in the Person You Aspire to Be."
#20 "Leaner & Healthier with Tons of Energy
at Any Age...Really?"
#19 "This Fitness Guru can Help You Lose
Excess Body Fat."
#18 "I Have a Favor to Ask. Whatever Healthy
Stuff You've Been Doing, Keep It Up! It's Working!"
#17 "An Easy Start to a Program that can Change
Your Life!"
#16 "Losing Excess Body Fat can be as Easy as
Writing a Little Note."
#15 "The Little Diet Pill that Almost
Derailed a Career,"
#14 "I'd Like to Talk With You About a Big Advantage
You Have if You are Thinking About Starting a Fitness